Tantric Lingam Massage


Discover new ways to perceive, activate and distribute energy in both yours and your partner’s body. His only role during this practice is to fully receive your sensual touch and loving devotion.
One aspect of Tantra is about moving the sexual energy in and around your body, inward and upward, rather than compulsively “expelling it out of your system” through ejaculating.
By cultivating and moving the energy of creation, we can manifest our own healing and creative expression into the world
As a loving giver of this sensual experience, you will be in a state of devotion as you help to fully relax your partner with a sensual body massage, arousing his senses with fun props (from around the house) and then moving to the Lingam.  You will learn the use of different techniques to build and expand his sexual energy so you can then redirect and guide it in & up.
This massage is a reciprocal experience for both the giver and receiver. As you presently stroke, hold and move, you will be evoking altered & more subtle states within.  This fueling of Bhakti (devotion), will create elevated sensations in your body.
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